Days Riding: 241 (66%)
Indoor days: 14 (6% of total)
Total Miles: 6,904
Indoor mileage: 270 (4%)
Miles by Month:
January | 384 |
February | 499 |
March | 501 |
April | 582.5 |
May | 342.5 |
June | 708 |
July | 598.5 |
August | 862 |
September | 601 |
October | 667.5 |
November | 619.7 |
December | 537.5 |
Longest Ride: 101
Second longest ride: 97
Average per day: 18.9 miles
Average per riding day: 28.6
Bike Commutes: 145 (same as last year)
Miles commuting: 4,200, 61 % of total mileage.
I lost over a week of riding in May taking care of my wife after her encounter with an SUV.
I am surprised that I took 1/3 of the days off the bike. Mostly these were related to family obligations. Some of the off days were planned to avoid getting dead legs, or burned out.
Most of the indoor miles were caused by icy roads. (I don't do ice.)
I did only three event rides: one in Prince Georges County MD, the Backroads Metric Century in the Shenandoah Valley, and the 50 States Ride in DC.
I had planned a week long tour from Saratoga Springs NY to DC but I had to cancel it.
I had one crash caused by uneven pavement on Constitution Avenue in DC.
My bike commuting saved me about $588 in gas which is about what I spent on bike parts and other biking goodies.
So good bye to 2011. Hello to 2012. I rode 30 miles in shorts today. Not too shabby.
Interesting stats! :) That's dedication to keep track of it all! :) Happy and safe 2012!