Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bike Commute 144: Winter Solstice Sunrise

At around 5:30 this morning, the winter solstice occurred. As you can tell from this picture taken only about 90 minutes later, the sun hung a huey and started it march north. You can see skid marks in the sky if you look closely. Little Nellie, barely visible in the foreground, has already had her full of commuting in the dark so she is happy. In the weeks ahead, we'll be dealing with cold and snow and ice. We do cold. We don't do snow and ice. Snow and ice are pretty, but falling isn't. The commute takes 65 minutes on a good day, and ice and snow can add 20 minutes or more. At that point, it is no longer a commute; it's an ordeal. For now, we'll just be thankful for unseasonably warm days.

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