Saturday, November 12, 2011

From Labrador to Key West!

i often meet bicycle tourists when I ride around DC. Today I spotted this guy studying his map on the side of South Union Street in Old Town Alexandria. I asked him where he was from and he said Norway. Then I asked him where he's going and he said "Key West". Then I asked him where he was coming from and he said "Labrador"! That's the first time anyone has said that in all the years I've been asking. That's something like 2,600 miles of riding. He's a little over half way there. I asked him his name and he told me but I forgot. Let's call him Lars. Good luck, Lars. Safe travels.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! :) I love talking to touring cyclists! :) He's definitely on a LONG trip! :) He'll enjoy the ride south. :) :)
