No more Thanksgiving.
Time to be ungrateful.
Gotta go back to work.
Gonna ride my bike,
cuz that's what it's good for.
Near freezing in the morn.
Wore my backlaver thing.
Wore my wool saux.
Wore an extra layer up top.
Perfect, except the toes.
Better cold toes than clumsy boots.
No bald eagle today.
He's being cheeky.
Or maybe it's a she.
Saw a cheeky she-runner near Gravelly Point.
She had loooong legs and shooort shorts.
Spent the day trying to think of Christmas presents for my wife. Fail.
Can't post any pictures on blog any more.
Ran out of memory.
Need a new blog platform,
cuz I'm too cheap to pay.
Can't use too many subjects either.
Wouldn't be prudent.
Dear Prudence.
Won't you come out to play.
Somebody should write a song like that.
Annoying ride home.
Headlights in my eyes.
Ninjas on the trail.
Managed not to hit them.
Going to sleep.
"Toes up," says URG
She is wise.
I am tired.
Saw your bald eagle on the drive down GW Parkway on our way back from the Alexandria Turkey Trot. She's a beauty!